
clocking opens up a world of possibilities for tracking your time over the various working days; you can also use it to track your work and the time spent on it across various projects. Below, you will find many real examples.

Tracking my working time

Suppose you work for a company as an employee, so you want to track the days you worked on various projects. Let's start creating a profile that reflects us.

clocking config --daily-hours 8 \       # Max standard hours per day
                --extraordinary 1 \     # Min extraordinary hours per day
                --permit-hours 1 \      # Min permit hours per day
                --other-hours 1 \       # Min other hours per day
                --working-days Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri \     # Working days
                --disease "I have fever" \       # Standard text for disease
                --holiday "Wow! I'm in pause" \  # Standard text for holiday
                --currency "€" \        # Select currency
                --hour-reward 8 \       # Reward for one hour
                --extraordinary-reward 10 \ # Reward for one extraordinary hour
                --food-ticket 7 \       # Reward for one food ticket
                --location "Milan Office" \ # Standard location
                --other-reward 7 \      # Reward for one other hour
                --empty-value "I'm not worked today" # Standard empty value for no entry

We have now configured our profile in terms of hours and salary. Now just enable it.


It is possible to enable a profile at the time of insertion if you know the profile number.

First, we print all the profiles entered into our database.

clocking config --print-user
| id | active | ...
| 1  |   0    | ...

Catch the id and enable it.

clocking config --select-id 1
clocking config --print
| id | active | ...
| 1  |   1    | ...

Now that we have an active setup, we can start tracking time spent on days worked.

clocking set --hours 8
clocking print --all        # or simply "clocking print"
| date_id  | year | month | day | hours | description |   location   | extraordinary |...
| 20240109 | 2024 |   1   |  9  |  8.0  |     None    | Milan Office |      0.0      |...

Suppose now that we go some days in to holidays resort.

clocking set --holidays-range {12..15} --location "Cortina D'Ampezzo"
clocking print
| date_id  | year | month | day |        hours         |    description    |      location     |...
| 20240109 | 2024 |   1   |   9 |         8.0          |        None       |    Milan Office   |...
| 20240112 | 2024 |   1   |  12 | I'm not worked today | Wow! I'm in pause | Cortina D'Ampezzo |...
| 20240113 | 2024 |   1   |  13 | I'm not worked today | Wow! I'm in pause | Cortina D'Ampezzo |...
| 20240114 | 2024 |   1   |  14 | I'm not worked today | Wow! I'm in pause | Cortina D'Ampezzo |...
| 20240115 | 2024 |   1   |  15 | I'm not worked today | Wow! I'm in pause | Cortina D'Ampezzo |...

And then the day will come when we won't be okay...

clocking set --disease
clocking print --day 16
| date_id  | year | month | day |        hours         | description  |...| disease |
| 20240116 | 2024 |   1   |  16 | I'm not worked today | I have fever |...|    1    |

However, if you have entered the hours of the day incorrectly, you can correct it by relaunching the command on the day; or, it is possible to delete it or restore the defaults via the enabled configuration.

clocking set --hours 8
clocking print --day 16
| date_id  | year | month | day | hours | description |   location   |...| disease |
| 20240116 | 2024 |   1   |  16 |  8.0  |     None    | Milan Office |...|    0    |
clocking set --reset
Reset working day to defaults.
To continue? [y/N] y
clocking print --day 16                                                                                                                                           130 ↵
| date_id  | year | month | day |        hours         | description |...| disease |
| 20240116 | 2024 |   1   |  16 | I'm not worked today |     None    |...|    0    |
clocking set --remove   # Or 'clocking delete --day 16'
Remove working day.
To continue? [y/N] y
clocking print --day 16
| date_id | year | month | day | hours | description | location |...| disease |

Tracking project time for teams

Let's imagine we are a team manager who manages various projects for a specific objective. Each person manages a certain project, and we need to quantify the hours spent on each individual project. We need to create a fairly general configuration.

for userdb in jack jessy james jerry; do
    clocking config --daily-hours 8 --currency "$" --hour-reward 8 --location "Damage Inc." --user $userdb --select-id $id

Today is the first day of work in the team; at the end of the day, I have to assign how many hours were spent on each project and each person.

clocking set --hours 2 --user jack --description "Project #1: build site"
clocking set --hours 3 --user jessy --description "Project #2: network firewall"
clocking set --hours 8 --user james --description "Project #3: human resource"
clocking set --hours 3 --user jerry --description "Project #4: database manager"

And now see all worked hours for our project.

for userdb in jack jessy james jerry; do
    echo $userdb
    clocking print --user $userdb

| date_id  | year | month | day | hours |      description       |   location  |...| disease |
| 20240119 | 2024 |   1   |  19 |  2.0  | Project #1: build site | Damage Inc. |...|    0    |

| date_id  | year | month | day | hours |         description          |   location  |...| disease |
| 20240119 | 2024 |   1   |  19 |  3.0  | Project #2: network firewall | Damage Inc. |...|    0    |

| date_id  | year | month | day | hours |        description         |   location  |...| disease |
| 20240119 | 2024 |   1   |  19 |  8.0  | Project #3: human resource | Damage Inc. |...|    0    |

| date_id  | year | month | day | hours |         description          |   location  |...| disease |
| 20240119 | 2024 |   1   |  19 |  3.0  | Project #4: database manager | Damage Inc. |...|    0    |

The project continues and comes to an end. At this point, we need to quantify the hours spent on each project by our team.

clocking print --user jack --rewards
| date_id  | year | month | day | hours |      description       |   location  | extraordinary |...| rewards |
| 20240119 | 2024 |   1   |  19 |  2.0  | Project #1: build site | Damage Inc. |      0.0      |...|  16.0$  |
| 20240120 | 2024 |   1   |  20 |  4.0  | Project #1: build site | Damage Inc. |      0.0      |...|  32.0$  |
| 20240121 | 2024 |   1   |  21 |  3.5  | Project #1: build site | Damage Inc. |      0.0      |...|  28.0$  |
| 20240122 | 2024 |   1   |  22 |  7.0  | Project #1: build site | Damage Inc. |      0.0      |...|  56.0$  |
| 20240123 | 2024 |   1   |  23 |  8.0  | Project #1: build site | Damage Inc. |      1.5      |...|  86.5$  |

Developing my tracking library

As a developers, we can develop a custom script or decorator function to track and dump time to database. We start to create a simple custom script.

import datetime

start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# My code here
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
hours_difference = abs(start_time - end_time).total_seconds() / 3600.0

# Calculate hours that has been passed
hours = float("{:.2f}".format(hours_difference))

from clocking.core import *

mydb = 'script.db'
user = 'script'

# Create configuration if not was created
if not get_current_configuration(mydb, user):
    # Update version
    # Create default configuration
                      location='My workstation',
                      empty_value='not run!',
                      working_days="Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat",
    enable_configuration(mydb, row_id=1)

# Insert daily hours...
insert_working_hours(mydb, user, hours)

# ...and print it!
print_working_table(get_working_hours(mydb, user))

This creates a simple database that log any runs of the script and time spent to compute the job.

Another example, is to write a custom function decorator to track hours that run other functions.

from clocking.core import *
from functools import wraps
import datetime

mydb = 'script.db'

def clocking_decorator(func):
    user = func.__name__

    def decorate(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        func(*args, **kwargs)
        end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        hours_difference = abs(start_time - end_time).total_seconds() / 3600.0
        # Calculate hours that has been passed
        hours = float("{:.2f}".format(hours_difference))

        # Create configuration if not was created
        if not get_current_configuration(mydb, user):
            # Update version
            # Create default configuration
                              location=f'function: {user}',
                              empty_value='not run!',
                              working_days="Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat",
            enable_configuration(mydb, row_id=1)

        # Insert daily hours...
        insert_working_hours(mydb, user, hours)

    return decorate

def my_log_runs_function(arg1, arg2):
    print(arg1, arg2)

my_log_runs_function(1, 2)